100 Who Care-Del Webb Lake Oconee Donate To Greene County Habitat for Humanity
Greensboro, Georgia — Greene County Habitat for Humanity is grateful to be the recipient of the most generous donation from the 100 Who Care Del Webb Lake Oconee to date. The mission and vision of Greene County Habitat for Humanity are anchored in the desire to end poverty housing within our community and the belief that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to live. For information about volunteering or donating please go to habitatgreene.net or call 706-453-1718.
100 Who Care Del Web Lake Oconee (100wcDWLO) started in January 2020 with a group of 50 Del Webb men and women and has grown to 160 members. Donations are made quarterly to a local 501c3 charitable organization that is actively involved in bettering the lives of those in our community. Since their inception, they have donated a total of $79,189.00 to various groups in the Lake Oconee region.
This year the 100wcDWLO is holding their second annual Volunteer Expo on October 7, 2023, where local charitable organizations come together to provide Del Webb residents with information on what the organizations do and how residents can get involved. If you are or know a 501c3 group that would like more information on this event, please email 100wcDWLO@gmail.com.
(Pictured Above) Betty Aubin, Jan Broughton, Bob Glaze, Polly Kopp, Karen Grigg, Sharon Glaze