Meals on Wheels
Most Fridays, I spent about two hours delivering hot meals to senior citizens in Union Point.
I know, at this point you are looking at the link you clicked and thinking, “Wait, I wanted to read about Habitat. What does Meals on Wheels have to do with Habitat?”
Well, a lot.
Habitat is an organization run chiefly by volunteers. Our board and advisors are volunteers, our entire construction crew are volunteers, our store is staffed by volunteers, and our partner families are mentored by volunteers.
Each quarter I report to HFHI how many volunteer hours are contributed to Greene County. We average well over 1,200 volunteer hours. Without volunteers we could not construct our homes, we could not sell the donated merchandise in our ReStore and we could not function as an organization? Meals on Wheels cannot function without volunteers – we deliver the meals and check on our citizens.
Without volunteers the meals would get cold and undelivered. At Habitat, homes would not get constructed and partner families would not learn what it means to be a homeowner. So, what’s in it for me? Nothing. But I have never not had a roof over my head or had to worry about where my next meal was coming from. As a volunteer I am helping make the place where I live, work, and play better.
It’s really that simple. So – are you ready to volunteer today?